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Flying into Harris Ranch Airport (3O8) !
Bellanca Super Viking at Harris Ranch
Overflow parking at Harris Ranch Airport
Best time of the year to go? All year but it does get hot in the summer.
Flight time in a Super Viking from KAJO? 1.2
Food on the airport? Harris Ranch is known for it's beef. This is a steak lovers kind of place!
Fuel on airport? Yes, pricy. Must visit auto gas station for fuel.
Comments about arriving and departing  The runway is narrow and the soil sandy. Stay on the runway!
Rate this trip
10 being best, 5 being average.
7.5 An easy walk to a very nice restaurant and hotel.

Harris Ranch Airport


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Harris Ranch Restaurant, you've driven by it before.

It's on I-5 somewhere near the halfway point between San Francisco and Los Angeles. You have may have wondered what that large pink hotel with tall palm trees is doing out in the middle of no where? For an airport there is a short runway, a gas pump and a windsock (nothing else) right beside I-5. Even when driving I-5 I always plan a meal stop at Harris Ranch.

Flash back to the late '70's. I was making some money on the side working as a rent a pilot. My favorite single engine plane to fly was the Bellanca Super Viking and I always thought I would like to own one but, as an young E-4 in the in the Air Force it wasn't time yet.

Jump forward to Spring 2004. I hadn't been close to a Bellanca since 1982 and my flying days were on the back burner.  I was driving home from Oakland with my wife. Like always we stopped and had lunch at Harris Ranch. As we were leaving we drove by the Harris Ranch airport and what a what a sight it was, the un-mistakable vertical stabilizers of 5 Super Vikings on the ramp and the owners too. I stopped in the grassy area near the gate and just looked. All of these Vikings were gorgeous and in like new condition. I wanted to say something to the pilots but all I could come up with was that I was a Want-A-Be or Has Been so I remained quiet.

The bug had bitten! Driving the rest of the way home all I could think about were those Super Vikings at Harris Ranch. As soon as I got home I went to the Internet and found Tom's Bellanca Super Viking web site and read it end to end. I got my medical current and started looking for a good FBO. Within 60 days everything was current and surprised my wife with a fly-in breakfast one Saturday morning in a rental Warrior.

Within a few months I was looking for a Super Viking to purchase.

Welcome to the Ranch !
Harris Ranch Restaurant Harris Ranch Restaurant
Harris Ranch Airport Harris Ranch Restaurant
Bellanca Viking at Harris Ranch Viking Low Pass

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Last Updated
September 06, 2010

Copyright 2006
Frank Holbert
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